Rank: Sapper
Service: Sapper
Unit: Field Company Engineers. General Reinforcements
Branch Category: Australian Imperial Force
Conflict: WW1
Bible, Pay Book.
Bible, New Testament, Hymn Book, (Name inside Bible) Pay Book. Every soldier carried a pay book, and made an entry each time they were paid. Pay books enable researchers to track the dates and places that a soldier served.
Date of Birth: 1894
Enlistment date: 23 August 1917
Date of Embarkation: 21 March 1918
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship Embarked On: HMAT Persic A34
Occupation: Teacher
Next of kin: Father, G.C. Way
Fate: Returned to Australia 5 July 1919
Died: Natural causes,7 September 1964, aged 70 years