Following the Boer War an organisation was formed known as Kempsey and Macleay River District Patriotic and War Relief Committee, Wednesday 26 Aug 1914, to assist in alleviating distress in the British Empire and Belgium caused by the war. Meetings were held in the Masonic Hall.
On Wednesday 27 Nov 1918
From the Hon. Secretary, Mr. N. Parker, we have obtained the following summary of business put through at last Thursday night's meeting of the Executive of the Macleay District Repatriation Committee. It was decided to establish a Macleay River District Returned Soldiers' Fund, to assist soldiers who enlisted from the district, or their dependents.
Though advertising in The Macleay Chronicle on Wednesday 8 November 1916
The Anzac Memorial Band Victoria Theatre, Kempsey, Friday and Saturday, 17th and 18th Nov. 1916
Proceeds forwarded direct to the Returned Soldiers' Association by Local Committee.
Then on Thu 16 May 1918
Returned Soldiers. Meeting Of Macleay Association.
A meeting of the Returned Soldiers' Association was held at Kempsey on Friday night last. It was decided on the motion of Mr. Briggs, seconded by Mr. Gorman, that the Association affiliate with the Returned Soldiers’ and Sailors' Universal Service Party, and that each man should pay his own subscription, which is 2/6p.
This then became R.S.S.I. League Kempsey branch, formed on Wednesday 4 December 1918. A meeting of Returned Soldiers was held in the School of Arts. It had been decided at a former meeting to cut out the old Kempsey R.S.A. (Returned Soldiers Association) and so, as soon an opportunity offered and the requisite number of members were forthcoming, to form a branch of the Returned Sailors and Soldiers' Imperial League, this was carried out on Saturday evening.
There appears to have been a lull in the branch for the following years, between 1925 and 1928. From time to time there were ads placed for the ANZAC Day commemoration with some of the names being Messrs McKean, Pearce and Vanstone. ANZAC Day services seem to have been run by the Council and Churches.
On Wednesday 13 1929, a meeting of returned soldiers was held at the Masonic Hall for the purpose of re-forming the Kempsey branch of the Returned Soldiers’ and Sailors' Imperial League of Australia, and despite inclement weather 25 men attended, and with them Mr. Hutchinson, State President of the League. Dr. J. B. McElhone was voted to the chair, and introduced Mr. Hutchinson. He explained the objects of the League, and moved that the Macleay branch be resuscitated, which was seconded and carried unanimously.
In 1940, the name of the League changed to the Returned Sailors', Soldiers' and Airmen's Imperial League of Australia (RSSAILA).
The Annual Meeting Kempsey Sub-Branch Tuesday 5 February 1946, the abbreviated name for the Returned Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen's Imperial League of Australia has been officially designated as RSL, or Returned Servicemen's League, whenever an abbreviation is necessary. Advice to this effect was read at the Macleay sub-branch meeting on Saturday night.
It changed again in 1965, to the Returned Services League of Australia (RSL).
Memorial Hall housing the Kempsey-Macleay Returned Servicemen League (R.S.L.) Sub Branch. The site also contains a memorial wall and garden at the front of the hall.
The original building was established in 1933 and officially opened on 31 May 1934.
The new building was established in 1993 and dedicated by Rev Roger Bush on 1st April the same year.
Left Side Inscription Plaque:
This Stone Was Set by His Excellency Sir Philip Woolcoot Game G.B.E., K.C.B., D.S.O. Dec 8th 1933
Dedicating This Hall to The Lasting Memory of Sacrifices Made in The World War 1914 – 1918
Right Side Inscription Plaque:
This Memorial Hall Was Erected by The Returned Sailors & Soldiers Imperial League Macleay Sub-Branches with Funds Donated by Citizens of This District 8th Dec. 1933
This Memorial Building Was Opened by S. K. Saul A.M.
Northern Country Vice President N.S.W. Branch R. & S.L. Of Australia on 20 February 1993.
Address: 1 York Lane KEMPSEY NSW 2440
Meeting: The RSL Memorial Hall, 1 York Lane KEMPSEY NSW 2440 - The Hall is in front of the RSL Club
Open Tuesdays and Thursdays 9.00am to 1200pm
Meeting Time for members: 6:30pm - Third Wednesday of each month (except January)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 02 6563 1010
Our sub-branch houses an extensive collection of military history and memorabilia.
You can also browse online through our digital archives.