Rank: Private
Service: Private
Unit: 2/4 BN INF
Branch Category: Australian Imperial Force
Conflict: WW2
1939 - 1945 Pacific Star, 1939 - 1945 British Defence Medal, 1939 - 1945 Australian War Medal, 1939 - 1945 Australian Service Medal, The 1939-1945 Star
The Pacific Star is awarded for entry into operational service in the Pacific Theatre of Operations between 8 December 1941 and 2 September 1945.
1939-1945 British Defence Medal is a campaign medal instituted by the United Kingdom in May 1945, to be awarded to citizens of the British Commonwealth for both non-operational military and certain types of civilian war service during the Second World War.
The War Medal 1939-45 was awarded for 28 days full-time service in the Armed Forces between 3 September 1939 and 2 September 1945. Operational and non-operational service may be counted, providing that it was of 28 days or more duration.
The Australia Service Medal 1939-1945 was instituted in 1949 to recognise the service of members of the Australian Armed Forces and the Australian Mercantile Marine during World War II.
The 1939-45 Star is awarded for service between 3 September 1939 and 2 September 1945. It was awarded to Australian Civilian Personnel who served afloat with the United States Army Small Ships Section between 8 December 1941 and 2 September 1945.
Date of Birth: 20 May 1916
Place of Birth: FORREST LODGE, NSW
Date of Enlistment: 23 May 1941
Locality on Enlistment: REDFERN, NSW
Place of Enlistment: PADDINGTON, NSW
Date of Discharge: 20 Feb 1946
Posting at Discharge: 2/4 BN INF