Rank: Private
Service: Private
Unit: 1 Pioneer Battalion Army/Flying Corps
Branch Category: First Australian Imperial Force
Conflict: WW1
Plastic bags equipment pieces
3 x plastic bags. (1). 2 x large, 4 x small Rising Sun hat badges. (2). 12 "Pips", 2 x small rising sun hat badges. (3). 2 x AMF buttons, 1 Engineer Corps Flash, 1 Aust league Ex Servicemen & Women (N7478), 1 Returned Sailors, Soldiers Imperial League Aust. (A8812), 1 SS&A Imperial League Aust (N1313143), multiple fasteners.
Personal Items
Collection of items belonging to Spr Laurie James Piggott from WW1 reflecting items of a personal nature, equipment,photos and miscellaneous items. A unique collection donated on loan by Mrs D. Steele (nee Piggott- daughter of SPR L.J Piggott). No medals in collection.
(ID numbers 107 through to 129)
Photo of model of Australia on salisbury Plains England from Collection of Personal Items donated by Mrs D Steel - daughter of SPR L.J. Piggott.
Date of Birth: 2 January 1899
Place of Birth: Kempsey, NSW, Australia
Enlistment: Kempsey, NSW, Australia
Date of Embarkation: 25 November 1916
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship Embarked On: HMAT Beltana A72
Occupation: Carpenter
Next of kin: Son of George Piggott and Fanny Mary Ann Nelson
Died: 10 August 1959