Rank: Driver
Service: Driver
Unit: 3 RMT Co
Branch Category: Australian Imperial Force
Conflict: WW2
1939 -1945 British Defence Medal
1939-1945 British Defence Medal is a campaign medal instituted by the United Kingdom in May 1945, to be awarded to citizens of the British Commonwealth for both non-operational military and certain types of civilian war service during the Second World War.
Date of Birth: 09 Sep 1904
Place of Birth: SYDNEY, NSW
Date of Enlistment: 04 Dec 1940
Locality on Enlistment: CAMPSIE, NSW
Place of Enlistment: PADDINGTON, NSW
Date of Discharge: 14 Dec 1945
Posting at Discharge: 3 R MOTOR TRANSPORT
Next of kin: MURIEL MILLER
POW: KRANJI Camp Singapore